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I am here to help you THRIVE!

Your path to optimal health doesn't have to be complicated. Our bodies are amazing and can thrive given the appropriate environment. It's not about can you do it, it's about when and how. Are you ready to take on the challenge? Book a FREE consultation call with me now. I am ready to help you succeed!



Why fertility and pregnancy health?

Not everyone has the same needs. In fact, it’s hard to find two people who benefit from the exact same approach to health. That's why I became passionate about pregnancy health because everyone's needs are different. I had so many friends that struggled from "unexplained fertility" and miscarriages that I knew something wasn't right. Watching their pain, sparked my passion to help others like them. I believe that having a child is one of the best gifts you can receive and as a mother you want nothing but the best for your child. So why not address your issues head on before baby?  Remember, your health pre pregnancy impacts your health (and baby's) during pregnancy. Contrary to popular belief, research shows that it's not just gene's that determine your baby's life. You have the opportunity to stack the deck in your favor, in your baby's favor.Start giving your baby the best now by working with me to build a custom plan for optimal health. Whether you are struggling to get pregnant, to stay pregnant or are planning ahead. Let me help ease your symptoms and nourish your body now (it's never too late to start). By feeding your body the nutrients it needs to support an optimal pregnancy and always tweaking as necessary to fit your needs. We will have weekly coaching calls, meal & lifestyle suggestions, diet analysis, supplement education, guides, constant support and a plan to set you up for success. 


I am Chelsea Alhamwi, your pregnancy and preconception health and wellness coach. As a certified Nutritional Therapist, my goal is to help you feel your best everyday. That’s why my mission is simple: give my clients the personalized training, education, tools and resources that they need to feel confident, empowered, and capable. Get in touch to get started!



Many of us tend to forget the importance of preconception health. It's important to address our issues before trying to get pregnant. Anywhere from mensuration, infertility, gut health, blood sugar, brain fog and more. These issues can impact not only the health of our baby, but our entire pregnancy. Do you struggle with "unexplained infertility", irregular periods or even miscarriage? Your health before pregnancy determines your health during. Taking control of your health before trying to conceive can make the difference in your chances to conceive and pregnancy! During our sessions, we’ll map your needs to come up with a program that works for you. Book a FREE call with me now to get started!



Being pregnant is an extreme sport (and can be scary too!), but is also a beautiful blessing. The possible symptoms that can occur due to pregnancy can be taxing, making it difficult to do simple, everyday tasks and enjoy the miracle. I can help navigate this journey with you, so both baby AND you can thrive! Get in contact with me to see how we can map out a personal plan for your unqiue pregnancy!



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